To whom does the Straight Path belong?

“In order to present this reality in an understandable way, it is asked: To whom does the straight path belong? Does it belong to God or to the Prophets? Does it belong to the Holy Prophet or the Imam? Does it not belong to mu’mins? The answer is that, first of all, it belongs to God, for He is the goal of it. That is, all have to go to His luminous House (42:53; 2:156). It is also the path of all the Prophets, because they were the guides of the people on it (1:7; 4:68). It is the path of the Holy Prophet, the last Messenger, because he is the chief of all Prophets and Messengers (12:108); it is the path of the Imam because he is the true guide (13:7). And it is also true path is made for the guidance of the mu’mins (4:115). Thus the extremely pure and sacred House, which belongs to God, also belongs to all the above-mentioned ranks. Although God Himself is free from and above space and non-space, the recognition of His oneness is not possible outside His luminous House (24:35). This house, which is full of mercies and blessings and illuminated with the light of recognition, is the light of Prophets and Imams (24:36) and this same house also belongs to mu’min men and mu’min women when they follow them completely (57:12; 66:8).” (Source: Fruit of Paradise, page 129-130)
Published in: Uncategorized on November 23, 2010 at 12:10 am  Leave a Comment